When Xu Le responded to the sound, the second round of blasting had been

"Psychic adults will blow up the fruit. Don’t you want the fruit?"
Xu Le does not cheep.
Followed by the third round.
After the explosion, with a collapse sound, the sun shone directly into the hole as Bai Jing thought.
The main potholes can be roughly seen at the blasting opening.
Fragmented Petri dish, some unknown liquid, a large number of corpses
When the sun shines here, the ghost wandering around the corpse immediately screams
Without the protection of the dark environment, these fragile ghosts will be easily killed by the sun.
They whined and went to the other corner of the hole.
There should be another room there.
Psychic, you’re crazy. Stop.
Xu Le continued not to cheep, but he didn’t cheep. Someone cheep is sweet.
"The captain should be ok, right?"
Gansu suddenly sold Xu Le one leng.
"Teacher Gan did hear it, so he stopped it."
Xu Le consciously looked at Bai Jing, but Bai Jing looked at Gujingbo and couldn’t see anything.
"The sunlight has indeed penetrated into the pothole, but the eye environment is not guaranteed to be safe enough. I think it should be possible to continue a baptism of explosives to eliminate hidden dangers."
Bai Jing’s statement seem to attract attention.
"Psychic adults stop her from doing that …"
Xu Le still didn’t speak, but he kissed him across the street and the meaning in his tone was really stopping him.
"Captain, there are two of us here.
First, understand the information of the town, find out the source of white hair and blood vessel disease and the specific situation of white ghost, so as to make preparations for the first time.
Second, it is pointed out that trees with ancient sounds may appear in trees with ancient sounds and many fruits.
No matter what the purpose, it is not advisable to continue to make explosives.
The explosion is likely to destroy the research data in it, and it is very likely to blow up the ancient Yinduo tree, so it will not be worth the loss for us. "

"Jiang Feng! I am waiting for you to come back and marry me! "

The eyes are moist.
After leaving the house
Jiang Feng said to himself, "This silly girl is too superficial to force a smile."
"Wait for me!"
Jiang Feng soon came to a fairy house in the center of Wanyu City.
Before he walked in, he acted as a referee. The fighters had already met out and looked at Jiang Feng with a smile. "I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, but there are two or three cross-domain cities."
"We have to go somewhere else to send it." The old man smiled apologetically.
Jiang Feng simply said two words, "Let’s go!"
Chapter 1163 Jiang Feng died
Three days later
Before Jiang Feng came to a huge palace, it was very spacious, but the ground was densely covered, depicting a huge array.
Gems are placed in each corner of the array.
Constantly emitting light.
"You are Jiang Feng! ?” A middle-aged man came slowly outside the door.
Jiang Feng looked up and leng one.
"yes! This time, you will meet the requirements of the first day list, "said the middle-aged population."
Jiang Feng didn’t speak.
The old man beside him pulled Jiang Feng and gave him a wink. "He is Bai Qian’s father."
It’s him! ?
Jiang Feng frown.
What is the virtue of Heaven? Jiang Feng knows better than others that he doesn’t believe in such a high-minded person.
Will let bygones be bygones for themselves
"Ha ha! Don’t be so nervous, Bai Qian. I have always wanted to punish him. Since you killed him, he didn’t trust himself. "Bai Yuntian smiled and said.
Jiang Feng nodded when he heard these words.
At present, there is not much time left for him in the other party’s mind
Jiang Feng also won’t think much.
"Ha ha! Go ahead! "
Baiyun Tian smiled and said.
Jiang Feng strode into the array.
Baiyun Tian hands fairy energy release immediately found directly into the send method.
With that rise of colorful brilliance.
Jiang Feng was drowned by the light and disappeared for a moment.
When the glory disappears and the old man is relieved.
Suddenly a young man rushed in outside the door in a flurry. He glanced at the old man and looked up at Baiyuntian.
"Not good!"
"What’s the matter! ?” Baiyun Tiankou asked
The young man swallowed a mouthful of saliva. "I don’t know what happened to the sending circle yesterday. Some problems changed the sending route. I wanted to inform Bai Xianzun, but I couldn’t find Bai Xianzun’s figure."
"Don’t send …"
The old man felt incredible when he said this.
Instantaneous pallor ratio
"This ….. send the wrong! ? Then where did he go! ?” The old man asked
Hearing these words
Some young people faltered for a long time before saying, "Go to the virtual turbulence!"
"what! ?”
The old man was frightened to disgrace and couldn’t help shouting
Where is the virtual turbulence? Even the Emperor of Heaven can’t protect himself when he enters it.
What’s worse, Jiang Feng, a deity.
His face suddenly changed. "This … this … this … is so good!"
Bai Yuntian also looked gloomy. "You didn’t inform me of such a big event. Don’t you think it’s too late to say that you can’t send it now!"
Baiyun Tian waved his arm with a jerk.
The other party directly flew out and made a roll before stopping to bow down before the white sky.
"If the official is wrong, please punish Bai Xianzun."
"punish! ? Now, even if I can’t keep you, I’ll repay you if I dispose of it. "
If I don’t know if my lover sees this picture of Baiyun Tian, it’s really about Jiang Feng’s life and death.
But I don’t know
Behind the scenes is someone else.
Baiyuntian took a look at the old man before he left. The old man didn’t dare to stay for fear of getting into trouble.
At this moment
An amazing news almost made Chu shine physically and mentally.
The whole person’s eyes are glassy-eyed. I never thought that the living would fall into this field before.
"I’m so sorry for your loss! Jiang Feng was sent to the virtual turbulence and ten dead and alive! " The old man immediately informed Chu Shine.
Chu householder sit face than ugly.
"I don’t believe it!" Chu shine suddenly raised his head.
"Ah …" The old man shook his head and didn’t continue to say anything.
However, Chu Linger’s face was paler than "He must have lied to me, right? He said he would come back to marry me!"
The old man remained silent.
Chu householder also a sullen didn’t speak.
No one will joke with them about this kind of thing, which means that Jiang Feng is really dead. No, he was really sent into the virtual turbulence.
"Linger, I’m sorry for your loss!"
"no!" Chu Linger suddenly turned his head and stared at Chu Guzhu’s tone, which was full of firmness. "Whether it is dead or alive, Chu Linger is a Jiang Feng person."

Words are like this. The Queen of Demons still obediently accepted the black lotus of Tianyuan God.

Then she left the little screamo temple.
Tianhe and Tang Sanzang discuss Buddhism in the Little Thunder Temple. When the Queen of Demons left the Little Thunder Temple, she went to look for Princess Iron Fan.
On the same day, Princess Iron Fan asked Yue Lao about her marriage. Princess Iron Fan may not have taken it seriously, but the Queen of Demons really took it to heart.
Are you really happy especially after hearing that Tang Sanzang asked him for help?
The demon queen especially wants to ask Yue Lao.
She really wants to know what will happen between her and the sky.
Is it luck or misfortune that she brought to heaven?
When the Queen of the Demons came to Luo Cha to look for Princess Iron Fan, Niu Mowang recognized that she raised her fist and looked on her guard. "You are a woman next to the Arm Ape. What are you doing here?"
Chapter 22 Beauty wants to ask about marriage
The Queen of Demons said, "Princess Tiefan promised me that she would do something for me when she was in the Little Thunder Temple. Now I am looking for her to fulfill her promise."
Niu Mowang looked at Princess Iron Fan’s heart and asked, "Fan Fan, what did you promise her?"
"What is it?"
Princess Iron Fan is also confused and looks at the Queen of Demons.
"Didn’t you say you would help me ask about marriage?" said the Queen of Demons.
Princess Iron Fan didn’t react until she discussed it at that time. The Queen of Demons said that she would consider Princess Iron Fan and didn’t promise anything at all.
However, the demon queen and the sky are not to be taunted in the heart of the iron fan princess. Since the demon queen said so, the iron fan princess will recognize it.
She nodded and said, "It’s true."
Then Princess Tiefan said to Niu Mowang, "I’ll go first, old cow."
"Fan!" Niu Mowang some not trust looking at princess iron fan.
After all, the former Princess Iron Fan was forced to go to Little Lei Yin.
So Niu Mowang is also worried that the Queen of Demons will be unfavorable to Princess Iron Fan again.
"Don’t worry" Princess Iron Fan appeased Niu Mowang.
"She’s the queen of all demons, and she’s not weak in strength. If she really wants to deal with us, she doesn’t have to make such a gesture."
Niu Mowang looked at the Queen of Demons in shock. "You are the Queen of Demons!"
The demon kingdom is so famous among monsters.
Monsters like Spider Spirit, Bai Gujing, incubus Snow Demon can become a hegemon if they are independent, but they are all the hands of the Queen of Demons.
Niu Mowang has also heard of the name of the Queen of the Demons, but this is the first time he has seen the Queen of the Demons.
The Queen of the Demons frankly admitted her identity.
Niu Mowang was puzzled. "Why are you around the Arm Ape, Queen of the Demons?"
He also heard about the origin of heaven from Sun Wu and other people, knowing that heaven is the future brother of Maitreya Buddha, half immortal and half Buddha.
It’s so strange that the Queen of the Demon World should appear in the sky.
"I’m the princess of Luo Cha, and I’m still next to you, a dead cow. What’s strange about the monster queen next to the tongarm ape?"
Princess Iron Fan punched Niu Mowang lightly on the shoulder. Then she came over to the Queen of Demons. "Let’s go to Sun Wu and them first, Queen."
The lich queen nodded.
Niu Mowang wanted to know what the 10,000 Demon Queen and Princess Iron Fan were going to do, but after being reprimanded by Princess Iron Fan, he stayed in King Luo Cha’s Palace.
Sun Wu took two younger brothers away from Xiaoleiyin Temple. He asked Pig Ring and Friar Sand to wait for him there, and he himself flew to move reinforcements.
Tianxian has other plans.
But Sun Wu doesn’t care.
When you meet someone who can’t beat you, you should let the Heaven and Lingshan Buddhist circles do it. Sun Wu has no idea to carry things.
Heaven is an important place in the three realms, but even the monster queen, the monster king, could not get into heaven if the jade emperor didn’t intend to.

You know, Wang Lun does not have to negotiate with Tiandu country for many times, and it has also regressed, but the other party has completely ignored it. Otherwise, he would not have moved the matter to the big meeting.

Due to the strength of Tiandu country, it has exceeded the expectations of does.
According to Wang Lun’s idea, there is no other way to solve this problem than to fight or give up that land.
Therefore, in Chen Xuance’s eyes, it is simply nonsense to say that it is unrealistic to send someone to solve this problem.
If we can really do it, the department of rites has already done it.
And some ministers.
Especially Song Guanwen and Zhang Zheng and others naturally thought of these and shook their heads and felt that Chen Xuance’s idea was not good.
But at this time, Wei Yun, who was sitting in the dragon chair, smiled and said, "What Chen Aiqing said is very reasonable. You said that these rituals have tried but failed. Do you have any good ideas?"
"Report back," Chen Xuance immediately said when he heard the news. "That’s because the department does not choose people. It’s important to know that I, Wei, are now leading millions of troops like a cloud."
"Although Tiandu is also strong, compared with my Wei Wei, it is still a little worse, especially the national war in Levin, which makes all countries feel scared."
Therefore, it is necessary to be strong when talking to Tiandu countries, so that they can be afraid.
"If you want to be mindful, it will be very easy to get things done."
Chen Xuance leaned down slightly and his tone was full of confidence.
Anyway, I’m just asking for advice. Why not?
What’s more, if you say that there are no loopholes and problems, no one can find fault.
Of course, he is also very aware that this kind of thing is simple to say, but it takes a lot of time and effort to do it.
In particular, Chen Xuance also learned before that Tiandu Kingdom is very strong about this and is afraid that it will not easily submit.
But what can this be like?
I’m an censor. Just talk and don’t do it.
His ministers seemed to see this and shook their heads.
If the strong posture can solve the problem, what will the officials say?
I’m not afraid. What if I put pressure on Tiandu at this time and the other party doesn’t accept it and fight completely?
In this way, things are afraid of trouble.
Therefore, minister Chang
Everyone thinks that Chen Xuan’s strategy is just like talking, which is even more real. In some people’s hearts, the new champion has cast a contemptuous eye in succession.
In particular, some ministers feel that they will be furious after hearing these words.
After all, what the other party said was just nonsense.
But what everyone didn’t expect was
Wei Yun Yi, who is located in the Dragon Chair, heard Chen Xuance say that instead of being angry, his face did not show a look of appreciation. He immediately said, "Well, Chen Aiqing really deserves to be the champion before saying yes. I am deeply gratified."
"So I decided to agree with Chen Aiqing’s suggestion to send someone to go abroad."
"I’ve also decided to choose the envoy."
"Just let Chen Aiqing take care of it?"
Chapter one hundred and thirty-three Crack hon temple subverts the politics of heaven?
Chen Xuance sent envoys to Tiandu?
Wei Yun’s words made the ministers at a loss.
Because they know that it is impossible for Wei Tiandu to fight easily.
Even without the last words of Emperor Mao Gao, the two countries would not easily start a war.
There will be local conflicts and it is impossible to escalate the situation.
After all, they are all big countries in the East.
It’s not good for anyone to have a huge snow mountain across the exhibition.
And the best way for this situation is for the two sides to sit down and talk about it and calm it down.
Otherwise, it will be of no benefit to anyone if the dispute is widened.
However, ministers all know that there is a disputed area in Wusi, which can’t be let out. After all, it was the blood of Emperor Taizu Gao and his soldiers.
Even if that area is a small part, it would still be a great shame if it were ceded.
Many people also want to talk about Tiandu Country in their eyes.
It is best to let the other side take a step back and choose to compromise.
And then to solve the matter.
It is also very necessary to send envoys to Tiandu National Reality.
However, this envoy candidate should think carefully. After all, a little carelessness will either make the two worse or lose the face of the Wei court.
The former Wei Yun Yi said that he would send envoys to Tiandu, and the ministers had no opinion.
But when they heard that they were going to give this burden to Chen Xuance, it was hard for them to accept it.
In recent years, many people don’t recognize this talent and the first place.
I think he went by flattery and luck.
There may be real materials, but there are definitely not many.
Everyone looked at each other.
Besides being shocked, I just don’t understand what I really think.
Of course, not only the ministers, but also Fang Chen Xuance was directly confused after hearing that remark.
Aren’t you an censor? Don’t you just need advice?
Why do you want to go abroad?

He looked at the light red. "You stay here for a while and I’ll be right back."

With the help of shuttle and a less solid imperial palace trap, the tutor quickly returned to the secret realm of the same sailing college. He came to the secret realm of time when the time was shining.
"ding! 」
"Is it necessary to supplement the energy that is adapted to the secret world of time and time? 」
"yes! 」
Hand a divine source immediately melts into a Taotao River and is sucked into the secret realm of time and time.
"The number of times can be increased by supplementing the energy of the secret realm."
"Time Pavilion (Color)"
"Ability is a secret of time."
"Energy reserve 3%+233%"
"ability two has not started"
"ability three has not started"
3% is the only energy left before the secret realm of time, which means that the secret realm can be opened three times, which means that the great monarch and the old iron have contributed 233 times to the secret realm of time.
Thanks to Lao Tie for his support (surrender)
"It turns out that the energy needed by the years and time is the divine source … No, the divine source may be one of them, and maybe other high-level energy sources can meet the requirements."
"In any case, the gift from two old irons eased the urgent need for energy in the secret realm."
In the second year, the chances of entering the secret realm for nine times will soon be refreshed. If you can’t enter because of insufficient energy, you will lose your precious nine years. This will be too heart-wrenching.
However, a statue of the ninth old iron can be given for more than 200 years, which is really not much.
It’s only a few years since provinces can support reality.
With light red as the anchor point, Fang you took the little magic to transport Ji back to the dimensional palace and sailed for a long time. He finally reached his destination.
"It’s almost here."
The clue point is not as accurate as when looking for treasures. The golden exclamation point has been transformed into a vast golden aperture to include this field in front of you.
It is still in a high position here, not sinking into a large domain or domain.
However, there is no longer a void in front of us, but a gray and black earth similar to the continental plate, which suddenly appears but fits in with it, which is more natural than this
The dimensional palace landed slowly.
Fang You sent dozens of fighting puppets to explore.
Here, the earth is very hard, far beyond the vast area. In the distance, there are long black short mountains and gray fog floating. From time to time, there are gray wind blades cutting down the earth or red thunder crashing down.
In this dangerous and horrible environment, I am afraid that the Seven Senses Myth is barely qualified to explore.
The puppet he sent out to explore dozens of battles was soon torn to pieces.
"There are also evil spirits here!"
I don’t feel surprised when I think about it carefully. There is no deceit in the world.
There are not so many mysterious evils here, but the stars are relatively high and the weakest. There are three or four stars like knocking at the door, and so on. After several rounds of wandering, I didn’t find them. They can’t live here.
Fang You put in two glorious-edged puppets with mythical fighting power.
-this puppet organization has no way to make it, but he has obtained a lot from the No.44 trial site. At this time, he has brought a full six.
Behind the six glorious blades, the figure is almost high, but the oppression is several times that of the earth. The war puppet is light red.
The golden aperture covers a vast area, and it takes a long time to find it inch by inch.
Fortunately, as soon as shallow red just stepped out of the dimensional palace, it seemed that he smelled an attractive fragrance, and hundreds of tons of children ran out of the light and jumping feeling.
As they went deeper, they encountered more and more cunning evils, the most dangerous of which was to bump into six seven-star cunning evils at the same time.
Soon the six mysterious evils were dismembered and the materials were taken out, and the light red Peng Peng moved on.
"The evil here is not weak, but there is no trace of evil servants."
They pushed all the way.
With a light red top at the forefront, Fang Youji doesn’t throw two thunders.
The light red body gushes out all its energy, and these energies quickly converge to form hexahedral crystal walls, and finally build a huge mecha.
Light red demigod method!
As much as the mecha defense is not as strong as the light red body, but the light red body has limited energy, and the mecha can be repaired immediately if it is slightly damaged.
With two stars and more than ten seven-star paradoxes, it shows its dual fighting power of the earth.
Directly press the evil spirits to fight!
If the opponent is an evil servant, you have to worry that they will take circuitous, cutting, bypassing and other tactical means, but if the opponent is irrational and devious, then … just do it!

Since this way can cultivate strange things, it may also cultivate more mysterious rules.

Read this Baiyun Tower is not full of expectations for his courtyard.
After finishing this courtyard, I took a look at the suspended sundial and nodded and walked to a courtyard with satisfaction.
It’s only been less than three hours, and there are still many hours left before the plan day and night.
Sister Xiao’s house should be the one who cares the most, even if she is a little gardener.
With this heavy sense of responsibility, Baiyun Tower is full of energy and devoted to weeding and pruning. After finishing two courtyards one after another, I came to the courtyard where flowers bloom again.
The flower power of Xiao Chaoyang is derived from this. Now that I think about it, the flower power contained in that little flower is probably the mysterious law that was accidentally nurtured by many rules.
Look carefully, in addition to detecting many weeds, Baiyun Tower has really found a very strange rule.
A bamboo with extraordinary charm is surrounded by clear air around the bamboo leaves, and it is elegant and refined. The strange rules contain this bamboo.
The air-powered bamboo leaves are moved by the air-powered bamboo leaves, which gives them a somewhat elegant feeling.
At first glance, this rule seems to raise some unknown charm.
A little awareness of Baiyun Tower can’t help but whisper to myself that it is also a strange and mysterious law. Sister Xia directly understands the flower power, but it seems that she has nothing to do with this except being handsome.
Besides, I don’t seem to be bad either. If I turn into a sword fairy like Qingyun, where do I need this rule to complement each other?
Read this Baiyun Tower and concentrate on weeding.
This courtyard is full of flowers in spring, and the rules are complicated, but there are also many weeds.
Just like when people are in full bloom, it may be the grass growing machine in their hearts.
It’s also that Baiyun Tower is familiar with weeding, and it still has the idea to push research and be elated.
After some busy work, many weeds in this courtyard were finally eliminated.
Looking at the courtyard full of beautiful flowers, although I know that these are all rules, the mind of Baiyun Tower still gives birth to a sense of surprise.
Hundreds of flowers are blooming … As a result, the Baiyun Tower still saw the wind bamboo on the independent side.
Outstanding and independent, rich in spirit and elegant.
A green bamboo with such charm stands proudly, and its momentum is not lost. all loves has to be amazed.
Unconsciously, Baiyun Tower still reached out to this wind bamboo.
Stay with a cool and refreshing mind, and I just woke up. Although my mind didn’t intend to understand this rule, the soul-splitting body took the initiative to make a choice
Now that I got the chance, Baiyun Tower immediately changed my mind.
Daoism is not as strong as luck, and it is especially important for people to display it
Thinking about this Baiyun Tower, I realized this wind and aura machine.
This rule is really mysterious, and this feeling has forgotten the time. I didn’t realize that five or six hours have passed until I woke up and looked at the magic weapon of the sundial.
Fortunately, fortunately, palace examination was not delayed.
Fortunately, Yu Baiyun Tower evokes the mind mirror and reflects the soul-splitting body.
As the wind reiki machine cast a series of clear air and slowly circled around the soul.
This qi-moving machine is really extraordinary, and even the soul phase can be affected. The hair is flying gently, which shows that the robes of the college have changed slightly with the wind, adding a sense of relief.
And when walking, the sleeves are fluttering, the hair is dancing, and the charm is really double.
Sure enough, there is still an industry that specializes in this special rule of improving temperament and charm. It’s really not free to turn into a sword and fairy.
If you really want to compare, it can be said that Avatar Qingyun Sword Fairy has only turned out the elegance shape, but this wind aura machine has turned out the elegance essence.
Thinking of this Baiyun Tower, the shape of the Baiyun Tower has been transformed into the shape of Qingyun Sword Fairy, and the wind aura machine has emerged through the body.
Looking at the transformation of Baiyun Tower in the heart mirror, I can’t help but stand still on the spot. This image is exactly what the immortal wants to be truly transformed today and looks like a god.
After looking at the heart mirror for a moment, it was confirmed that the refined wind reiki machine had no influence on the mind, and Baiyun Tower gradually felt at ease.
Sensing the lingering wind around you, the aura machine, the Baiyun Building, thought to itself that there is an old saying that everyone has practice and pursues truth, goodness and beauty, which can bring pleasure to others …
You can even use the wind and aura machine to help preach things. From the popularity of the young monk Tianyin, we can see that this matter is promising.
I figured this out, and the heart of Baiyun Tower completely accepted this qi machine.
A temporary lookout for aura, Baiyun Tower, just a calculation, twelve manors have been renovated, and the entrustment of Sister Xiao is half finished.
I didn’t intend to finish the white big head at one time and then moved to return to China.
Big sleeves waved the Baiyun Tower, put away the heart mirror, and kept the magic weapon of the sundial, and walked to the courtyard where the two sisters played.
Chapter seven hundred and forty-three Kyoto imperial city
The clear wave spring pool reflects two stunning women sitting opposite each other in the gallery pavilion at the end of the winding corridor.
It can be seen from the attentive expression of Elder Martial Sister Qingchi that the chess game seems to have reached an unpredictable stage, but the opposite clouds are still light and the clouds are light, and she looked up and walked into the Gallery Pavilion Baiyun Building.

Day tone light said

"Life and death are thin, and the name is not without birth and death, but without birth and death, but also without death."
"The moment their names disappeared from the book of life and death, they were not alive, and they were abandoned by the three realms and six roads. No one felt that they had become an immortal monster and a ghost that had no foundation to wander in the three realms."
"The monkeys and grandchildren of Huaguoshan have become monsters, destroyed and Huaguoshan has become a ghost domain."
"These villagers in liu village have just changed, but as time goes by, their reason and feelings will gradually disappear and gradually become strange monsters that will make you complete."
In fact, there are not many immortals who know the secrets of life and death. Many immortals know that life and death are important things in hell, and others should not touch them, otherwise they will violate the dogma.
Although there is no administrator limit in this world, his judicial gods know more secrets than ordinary gods.
Shaking the sun, agarwood felt that his hands and feet were cold, but his back was wet with cold sweat.
He wants to refute heaven, but he doesn’t know how to say it.
"Erlang Shen, are you scaring me?"
Aquilaria wants to struggle one last time.
It was Tiangen who ignored his mood and confidently said, "I’m Zhao Hui Xiansheng Jiro Zhenjun, the god of justice in heaven."
Chen Xiang’s heart is cold.
He hates Yang Jian very much, but he has to admit that this Zhaohui Xiansheng Jiro Zhenjun is a very proud god, and the other side disdains to tell such a lie to him.
"You always run away from me before, and this time I want to tell you what you did wrong."
Looking at agarwood calmly.
"When you made trouble in the underworld, you didn’t think about the consequences. Now I tell you that you made a mistake and I will tell you what consequences you will bear."
"Sun Wu was crushed to Wuzhishan in the past 500 years, and you destroyed liu village’s life and death book, so forget it, but you also released hundreds of thousands of evil spirits from ten levels of hell."
"I won’t spare you this time."
"I’ll punish you for turning into a stone statue for ten thousand years. Can you wind, rain, sun, lightning and agarwood?"
Aquilaria looked at the sky sullenly at this time. "It is really my fault that Yang Jian released those evil spirits. I will take them back, but if you punish me, I will not give up easily."
"Today we cannot father a sword"
Said agarwood took out too old gentleman chopping wood axe to fight against the sky.
God smiled when he saw Aquilaria’s performance. "Aquilaria, are you going to punish you and fight you for hundreds of rounds in person?"
Aquilaria asked, "Don’t you dare?"
The sky smiled, and the black lotus of Yuan God flew out of his mouth and covered his head. Then he raised his voice.
"dogma in? Yang Jian, the god of justice, declared that Liu Chenxiang overthrew the hell and released the evil spirits to disturb the world. This is a heinous crime. Today, he will be punished for his incarnation, the stone statue, the wind, the rain, the sun and the lightning, and the sentence will be 10,000 years. "
Words in the sky are like vast sounds of heaven.
Aquilaria is on the alert for the day to attack at any time, but when the day falls, he doesn’t see the day to take out his weapon
Just when agarwood was strange, he suddenly found that his body gradually turned into stone from his feet, and this phenomenon developed towards his bust. It seemed that he would not stop until his body was turned into a stone statue.
"This is the dogma."
The sky looked at agarwood indifferently. "The real dogma is not the rule made up by the Jade Emperor for his stable rule, but the rule to maintain the normal operation of heaven and earth."
"The Jade Emperor is only able to make heaven power."
When the Jade Emperor saw liu village’s situation in utter amazement, he got up from his throne with an indescribable horror in his eyes. "How can he move the heavenly power and how can he listen to his orders?"
At this time, the Jade Emperor turned out to be incoherent.
Chapter 24 A mortal without a heart
The Queen Mother’s eyebrows slightly deepened.
This should be the first time she saw the jade emperor so rude, even if it was a time when the sword was used in the dedicated hall and the jade emperor invited out the dogma, but it did not happen, the jade emperor was not so rude
"It is not surprising that the god of justice is a god who recognizes the clergy and Yang Jian can order dogma."
The queen mother comforted the jade emperor in a decent way.
Van liu village
When Aquilaria noticed the change in her body, she quickly mobilized her powers to stop her body from turning into stone.

Arriving at the airport, Xia Zhu’s plane hasn’t arrived at Bai Yinting’s exit yet, and he is inexplicably anxious.

What should I tell Xia Zhu when I see her later? Will she hate her own generation?
At the same time, the plane Xia Zhu always felt a little fidgety while Liu Ying looked at her several times.
"Xia Zhu, otherwise we can chat casually." Liu Ying wants to guide her by innuendo.
"Good" Xia Zhu also wants to divert attention.
"My mother died when I was six years old. At that time, I didn’t know what it was like to die. Later, my father remarried and sent me to my grandfather’s house. My stepmother didn’t accept me, so I moved to my grandmother’s house. Last year, my grandmother couldn’t. I attended several funerals, and my mood was different," Liu Ying said.
Xia Zhu listened carefully. Although I don’t know what Liu Ying wants to say, listening to her regrets that her life is always meaningful.
"On the day of my mother’s funeral, I secretly went out to catch dragonflies. My grandfather’s funeral home was very simple, but I cried the most sadly, because for me, without my grandfather, I was sad but calm. Many people are leaving this world. They have had a hard life. We can’t always kidnap them and let them stay with us," Liu Ying continued.
"Having said that, it’s always a matter of heart for my family to be alive. I have my mother now, and I’m afraid that one day she will leave me. After all, I really have her." Xia Zhu said, her eyes were a little wet
"I don’t know your feelings" Liu Yingke can imagine the feelings of Xia Zhu and her mother or continue to persuade her "Have you ever heard of this statement? Each of us has come to rob ourselves, and when the difficulty is over, we should return to the world that truly belongs to us. "
"calendar robbery?" Xia Zhu couldn’t help laughing. "Director Liu, do you still believe this?"
"Don’t you think this is a beautiful long-cherished wish?" Liu Ying hopes that Xia Zhu can think like her.
Xia Zhu did seriously think about it and shook his head. "Even after the robbery, I still hope that my favorite person can always be by my side."
"What if they stay?" Liu Ying said.
Xia Zhu stared at Liu Ying strangely. What happened today? Why keep talking about this topic makes her have a bad feeling.
"Director Liu, do you know anything?" Xia Zhu suddenly remembered that they came back in a hurry and it was a temporary decision. She didn’t think too much at that time and now she found the problem.
Liu Ying quickly denied it with a guilty conscience. "I’m just talking about the fact that the plane is about to land. It may be a little uncomfortable for you to be mentally prepared."
Chapter one hundred and seventy-three The last person to know
I don’t know why Xia Zhu always feels more depressed. She didn’t think much about it because the plane was about to land and brought her panic and pressure.
After the plane, Liu Ying still had a special heart for her, which made Xia Zhu even more uneasy.
"Director Liu, am I not doing very well?" Xia Zhu apologized
Liu Ying took her and took care of her most of this business trip, and Xia Zhu was like a child who left home for the first time. It was a big world outside, and she finally realized that she had always been a little frog sitting on a well and watching the sky.
"You did a good job." Liu Ying was a little distressed by Xia Zhu.
The only relative in the world has also left, and the outsider seems to love her husband Liu Ying most, and he doesn’t think it is necessarily reliable, otherwise he wouldn’t have arranged a puzzling business trip for Xia Zhu at this time, which is obviously intentional.
Maybe he was hiding his things, but then Xia Zhu couldn’t be with his mother when she needed it most.
Liu Ying feels guilty because she is also an accomplice. Although she can’t tell the truth, she can do something to reduce her psychological burden.
After two people went out, Xia Zhu saw Bai Yinting at a glance. She was a little surprised that he had come to pick himself up in person.
Liu Ying narrowed his eyes and was a little flustered. Zhao Jiangyi said that Xia Zhu’s mother was dying. The news was naturally told by Bai Yinting, who appeared at the airport and looked so ugly. Did Xia Zhu’s mother pass away?
"court?" Xia Zhu was careful. She wasn’t sure Bai Yinting was coming to meet her.
Bai yinting saw Xia Zhu without someone hugging her directly next to her, but his eyes were red and he couldn’t say anything.
"What’s the matter?" Xia Zhu inexplicably patted Bai Yinting on the back. What injustice did he suffer?
Liu Ying didn’t stay or be embarrassed as she walked, but she really wanted to know if Xia Zhu had to see her mother for the last time.
Xia Zhu embarrassed to look at Liu Ying Bai Yinting hugging her at the moment makes her a little breathless.
"Xia Zhu I’m sorry" This is the first time that Bai Yinting sincerely apologized to her.
"What do you mean, sorry?" Xia Zhu is even more confused.
Bai Yinting held her shoulders in his hands and bit his lips for a long time before he said, "Mother-in-law has …"
"What happened to my mother?" Tian Qianqian suddenly seemed to be white, and her tears burst its banks in an instant.
Liu Ying expected her eyes to dim. It seems that they came back late in the end. She should not have promised to take Xia Zhu on a business trip in the first place.
"Xia Zhu, don’t be too excited or too sad. She left peacefully. She said she didn’t regret her …" Bai Yinting didn’t know how to express it to make Xia Zhu feel safe.
However, Xia Zhu’s brain is white now. She believes that she has only been away for two days, and the doctor has said that there is also a month without life.
"You lied to me!" Xia Zhu pushed Bai Yinting striding toward the outside of the airport.
"Xia Zhu!"
Bai Yinting and Liu Ying chased Xia Zhu together and felt a strong sense of suffocation, which made her almost unable to breathe. Suddenly, her legs collapsed and knelt down.
Bai Yinting hurried over to help her up. "I know you must be very sad. This is why my mother-in-law doesn’t want to see her and wants you to live a happy life."
"How can I heart? How happy? That’s my mom, my mom! " Xia Zhu tears blurred his eyes.
Liu Ying looked at her and cried with her. That’s how she felt when she first heard that her grandfather had died.
Xia Zhu heard Liu Ying sobbing and couldn’t help but suddenly understand what "Director Liu, you already know, right?"
"Sorry, Xia Zhu, we don’t want you to know too early, because it was not good for you except sadness at that time." Liu Ying apologized.
"So my mother died and I was the last person to know?" Xia Zhu smiled bitterly and cried even harder.
"Xia Zhu, let’s go to the hospital to see her again. Everyone will usher in this day. My mother-in-law is also suffering from life. Her organs have failed," said Bai Yinting.
What else can Xia Zhu say? She can mechanically follow Bai Yinting on the way to the hospital. She doesn’t say a word except tears.
Bai yinting sat beside her and held her shoulder all the time. although she didn’t say anything comforting, she has given her the most solid shoulder to lean on. this is also an expression of love for her.
Liu Ying sat in the front co-pilot seat. She wanted to take a taxi back by herself, but she was uneasy. Xia Zhu, after all, she was also involved in this matter.
When she got to the hospital, Xia Zhu burst into tears before she walked in. She couldn’t help herself. When she left, her mother told her everything. How could she suddenly leave?
Her mind is a little stupid. If it weren’t for Bai Yinting taking her, she couldn’t find her mother. Where did she see her mother sleeping safely in a white bed? A white sheet covered her head.

Just then, the screen shot changed.

"Wait! This steel door is still unstable! If we go in now, we may fall somewhere … "
"You see you see this is hot metal! If you go in, you will fall into the molten iron and become an iron hammer. "
A few hammer people all looked glad that they had a narrow squeak and almost died.
Just then, the picture gradually rose to reveal the whole scene.
"Hey, wait, where is this?" They just found out that this is not the Hammer City they are familiar with.
Not far from Zhuang, he has never been to Hammer City. Even if he has been there, it is impossible to restore Hammer City by setting up a photographic set.
This is actually the original Hammer Camp and now the dinner village.
See strange hammer city several hammer guard members are wary again.
"Not good! Is there anyone else who has discovered that the world has hit the steel door! "
"We have a competitor in Hammer City!"
"Is it another hammer factory?"
"No, this is not a factory in Hammer City … are there any other hammer factories?"
"Then let’s take a good look at this competitor’s situation and report it to Lord Golden Hammer. They have to catch him off guard!"
"Shh, be careful not to let these people find us!"
So a few hammer people hung their heads high in the crowd and looked at the shadow.
As the camera went on, they saw the hammer figure.
I saw a hammer body in a small shack, and a hammer man opened his mouth to say something but didn’t say it.
In fact, most of the time they can’t understand it. After all, they don’t understand human language yet.
However, the story line of Hammer Man is original, which makes Hammer Man’s language with subtitles make them feel very substituted.
For human beings, it is a sub-story line, and the hammer story accounts for less than a quarter of the whole film. It is a supplement to the human story line, but it has never been a new experience for them.
They didn’t know that it was actually a story, and they saw it for themselves at first.
Card director’s basic skills are perfect, although they don’t lay out any metaphors or build up any connotations, but the simple lens movement makes them completely into the hammer world
When Ah Hammer was in the shack, a beam of light came in from the crack in the shack and shone on Ah Hammer’s fists and hammers. All his fists and hammers seemed to emit a layer of misty light.
That little smiling face seems to light up the whole shack.
Although in the cramped shack, although tired to death every day, hammer people are not afraid of hard work, and they can still find their own happiness in this place.
Yes, even this little happiness will be taken away.
A hammer man clenched his fist and clenched his teeth when A hammer was caught in the giant dog of war.
He was accompanied by two hammer people who swallowed a mouthful of saliva.
This moment they seem to have seen themselves many years ago!
Although Jin Hammer was also a hammer man, he never showed any pity for his compatriots.
He is a noble factory owner!
Every hammer coolie is either tortured by heavy work and endless hardships into a half-man, half-beast monster.
Or be taken to the battlefield to experience despair and death.
Only those who can really hammer can join the Hammer Guard.
In the process, they lost too much.
Ah Hammer’s experience is just like a true portrayal of each of them …
Chapter 94 Smiling face

"It’s her! ? ? ?”

Chapter 23 The simulation has arrived at noon!
high noon
Bai Yi has returned to his house from the inn, quietly waiting for the end of cooling.
After waiting for a few minutes, when he saw the training simulator, he showed it …
You know that the 24-hour cooling time has passed.
Soon he found that Chen Qianxue, the far-away Chen family, tried to cultivate immortality simulator for consciousness exchange and connection.
It’s a pity that she didn’t know it was …
She was able to connect the immortal simulator because Bai Yi put a limit on her.
If Bai Yi doesn’t give her a limit, she won’t connect the immortal simulator anyway.
Sure …
How can Bai Yi, a high-quality migrant worker like Chen Qianxue, let her go?
At present, Bai Yi is already a real cultivator on the second floor of refining gas. Theoretically, he can invite two people to enter the cultivation simulator at this time.
Not just Chen Qianxue, a migrant worker.
But the biggest problem is that Qinghe County can be regarded as arrogant and can be known by Bai Yi, and Chen Qianxue is the only one.
For the second worker, the right person …
Bai Yijin didn’t find it
He can’t just pull a person into the cultivation simulator, can he? That’s no different from white kung fu.
After all, Chen Qianxue, the spiritual sword saint, died several times in the immortal simulator, and every time there was no way to live past twenty years old.
Now change to an ordinary person or an immortal who pulls his hips a little.
I guess …
Whether you can live to be two years old is unknown.
Seeing Chen Qianxue constantly trying to cultivate immortality simulator to connect consciousness.
Bai Yi put a limit to her.
At the same time
Chen Qianxue, who tried several times to call out the immortal simulator, failed, which calmed her mind and made her a little flustered.
What’s going on?
What, there’s no way to call out the cultivate immortality simulator?
Is it because of the poor performance in the self-cultivation simulator several times?
And then abandoned?
As soon as her mind flashed with all kinds of thoughts, she was very familiar with the sudden pop-up and let her breathe a sigh of relief after being stunned.
Fortunately …
Chen Qianxue has regarded the cultivation simulator as her most important treasure. If the cultivation simulator suddenly disappears, she estimates that her mentality will collapse, which may probably lead to the cultivation of demons.
She knew that she seemed to rely too much on the cultivation simulator.
This is inevitable, because it is much better to get a reward in the simulator than to bury her head in cultivation.
A simulated cultivation of immortality once a day can give her new harvest.
And what if you practice hard every day?
It is true that burying one’s head in cultivation can also become stronger, but compared with simulated cultivation of immortals …
This speed of strengthening …
It is too slow!